
5.4 Soil Analysis

With this assignment and associated lectures, I learnt about how to deal with soil typology and landscape. And, more precicely, I learnt a lot about the different kinds of soil land landscape which contitute the Netherlands.


Despite the sorts of soil are diverse in the earth, an emergent issue is the soil erosion, threatening both developed and developing countries. 65 percent of the soil on earth display degradation phenomena, such as erosion, desertification and salinization. In Europe, 12 percent of the soil is threatened by water erosion, and four percent by wind erosion. Soil erosion is also found on 95 million hectares of land in North America and 500 million hectares in Africa. It affects not only economic development but climate changes, because the process of soil erosion releases carbonium ions into the air, while carbon dioxide is the primary cause of global warming. As we can see the map showing types of soil in the Netherlands, It is not hard to imagine that in the future, there may be only several kinds of soil remaining in this country. Therefore, to find the suitable answer for urban issue, focus on the reasons of the soil problem, might inspire designers to have an innovative idea and solution in the future.