
4.7 Legends for Design


In actual work there was more focus on ways to keep the legends as simple as possible to make it easier to people to read the material that has been made. The Atlas had to be straight to the point and therefore many reference images were used and clear maps to explain the information that was documented. In the perspective we worked with simple pictograms that tell you immediately what the maps, images etc. are standing for.

Goals in the EU Scale
In the goals on larger scale we propose that Randstad should become one of the most important and most competitive economical centers in Europe. It should be an attractive place for companies, investors and business enterprises to establish (their (European) headquarters).


By making better use of this position Randstad can boost the Netherlands as a whole and could raise per capita income. At the moment we can say that Randstad is lower than in Paris and London.

Goals in the National Scale
We have several goals for this region on National scale:
• The Randstad should function as one Province, with 6 regions, and Landport should be one of the 6 regions
• ALmere will be the 4th city of NL
• Landport should offer green to the Randstad
• Landport will function as a gateway to East and North Netherlands
• Landport should also function more independent from the Randstad


To aim all of the goals for this region we define the concept for the perspective. These goals are established to answer 2 parallel kinds of development, both are closely connected and complementary: on the one hand we propose to boost Flevoland and on the other hand we suggest sustainable growth for Amersfoort and T’Gooi. With this we mean improving and protecting the current qualities which are already there.


The perspective is called ‘Powered by Landport’, implying the boost that Landport gives to the Randstad and the boost that is given to Landport in the perspective. The boosting is very much relaying on the improvement of the connectivity within and outside the region and on different scales. Half of the strategic projects are in fact infrastructure projects. In the same time current green is also taken up in the perspective. The water defence line will be protected and where possible be exploited more.


The limits of the growth of Almere are also already set in the perspective. A great green strip will functions as a boundary as well as a recreational strip for the people who will live there. Coming to the last point of the perspective which is housing. New houses will be needed and realised southeast of the current city.

And finally, some small housing extensions are planned north and west of Amersfoort Project. The perspective leads up to 8 different strategic projects.

  • Aa connection
  • HSL North
  • Airport
  • Light rail
  • Landmark
  • University
  • Green Strip
  • Water Defence Line
