
4.3 Traffic & Noise Analysis



Traffic is a big issue in the Netherlands and because of that we suggest some huge scale and impact interventions. The boosting is very much relaying on the improvement of the connectivity within and outside the region and on different scales. Half of the strategic projects are in fact infrastructure projects. All cities inside the Landport relay on each other. Some parts are for working, some for living some for leisure, etc. Connecting it to each other is possible by a light rail, called Landport rail. Connecting the region to the rest of the Netherlands is realised by the High Speed Line (the so-called Zuiderzeelijn) and the new bridge, connecting Almere and Amsterdam better. And last but not least the connection of Landport and the Randstad with the rest of Europe will be improved by expanding the airport Lelystad as an expansion of Schiphol Airport.

[A-a] connection


[A-a] or Amsterdam-Almere connection will determine the development of Almere in the future. Boosting the development of Almere needs a good accessibility. This new 8 km bridge will relieve the load of congestion problem in A1-A6. It will improve the development of independent Almere to become the 4th city in the Netherlands (population wise). In the larger scale, this connection will be a gateway to the North and East of the Netherlands.

Almere Ring-road


[A-a] connection will meet new Almere Ringroad which covers new urbanization in Almere and its surrounding. The ring-road will be built by upgrading S101 & S106 road become highway.



The Zuiderzeelijn is a large project with a lot effects and secondary spin of. On all the scales we can see that the Zuiderzeelijn supports new development, improves the connectivity and creates new flows of people, goods etc. Maybe even more important the Zuiderzeelijn connects all these scales.

Airport Village


The strategic project is extending Lelystad Airport as an extension of Schiphol Airport. In that way that Lelystad Airport will take over the charter and low costs flights. By 2040 the airport will have 5 million passengers a year.

Landport Rail


The Landport Rail is a sophisticated mode of public transit to make sure that everyone in Landport has easy access to the boosting in Almere, making the area more independent.

Interrelations between All Infrastructure Projects





Noise is closely related with traffic. Of course, it is not easy to define what is the noise because people have different standard about noise. The main factor of noise can be transportation like cars, airplanes and train, etc. Road traffic, air traffic and neighbours are the major sources of noise nuisance in the Netherlands. The noise from industry and the trains is a much less signifi cant source of noise nuisance. In addition to nuisance, prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can also generate clinically observable damage to health, such as the risk of ischaemic heart disease and effects on blood pressure. It is difficult to state a threshold value for the incidence of these effects. Noise nuisance depends very much on the individual and it is also linked to factors other than the level of noise to which people are exposed.

Green Strip in Flevoland


In our perspective plan we propose a significant extension of the existing airport near Lelystad. This new airport can bring about noise pollution to Almere. With this Green Strip strategic projects it will create an excellent buffer zone between the new airport and Almere as far as the corridor is wide (11km) and plantations favour the absorption of noise.

Green Strip Effect
